Education in the Soviet Period
In 1951, the schools destroyed during the war were rebuilt, but in the beginning there were not enough places in them, later the situation began changing. The level of educatedness in the city grew first due to the strengthening facilities and resources, the growth of which was financially supported by local enterprises. The building trust, the road construction enterprise, the factory of precision machine tools, the bicycle factory, the television factory, furniture factories were just a few enterprises contributing to the support. Schools began growing rapidly, the existing ones were growing and expanding, and at the end of the ninth decade, there were 22 schools in Šiauliai.
Higher education and higher vocational education in the city were provided by the Pedagogical Institute, Šiauliai Faculty of Kaunas Polytechnic Institute, the Pedagogical School, the Higher School of Music, the Polytechnic and the School of Medicine. Since 1948, two-year teacher training institutes were started to be set up in Šiauliai, which trained teachers not only for the city but also for the whole country. There were a lot of talented teachers in Šiauliai, who trained future education specialists, who later used to go to work to places where they were needed most – to Klaipeda and other cities. The Higher School of Music, transferred from Klaipėda, educated music teachers, who rallied to school ensembles and orchestras, successfully performing in various places, or would become singers, laureates of various vocal competitions.
All schools actively participated in the city’s social life, growing talented educators, musicians, ensembles and singers, such as the chamber choir ‘Polifonija’, originally the students’ choir that grew into the professional choir; the Chamber Orchestra of Šiauliai Conservatory, which turned Šiauliai into the cultural centre of Northern Lithuania.
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